Summer Data Viz

MassMutual Summer Data Viz seminar: 2016

August 15-19, 2016 is a week-long internal data viz seminar for MassMutual at the MassMutual Amherst offices, joint with Jordan Crouser.

Shortlink to this page:

Monday: Intro to data viz

Resources - Everything we know about how humans interpret graphics by Kennedy Elliott. Accompanying Medium post. - Reproducing Cleveland and McGill. Survey and results. - ggplot2 cheatsheet - R graphics cookbook

Presentations and data - Intro to ggplot2 presentation, (code) - American Time Use Survey Data

Tuesday: Interactivity (and d3)

Resources - Interactivity in R includes shiny , manipulate, and shiny gadgets.

Wednesday: Scraping and text

Resources - stringr vignette, and linked regex tutorial

Cool examples

Presentations and data

Thursday: Geo data


Cool examples

Presentations and data

Friday: Networks


Cool examples

Presentations and data